Daniela Picchi

Curriculum Vitae

Course of studies
- Graduated with full marks in Classical Study with a final thesis in Egyptology. Graduation thesis title: “Etiopi ed Assiri in Egitto: una riconsiderazione”, University of Bologna;
- Outstanding second graduation thesis in Numismatics: “Suggestioni culturali e sopravvivenze iconografiche dell’antico Egitto nella medaglistica italiana”

1) Official Egyptologist consultant at the Archaeological Museum of Bologna since 1994 to 2006;
2) Numismatics consultant at the Archaeological Museum of Bologna since 1994 to 2006;
3) Member of a team work focused on the research project “Dal Nilo al Tevere. Letture classiche e sopravvivenze culturali della religione dell’antico Egitto” (From Nilus to Tevere. Classical readings and cultural survival of the ancient Egypt religion). Year 2004/2005 financed for the 60% by the Department of Ancient History of the University of Bologna;
4) Director and member of the scientific committee of the “Università degli Adulti” Bosi Maramotti of Ravenna since 2003 to 2007;
5) “Ispettore Onorario per l’Egittologia per l’Emilia Romagna” since 2006”;
6) Curator of the Egyptian collection of Bologna since 2006;
7) Registrar of the Archaeological Museum of Bologna since 2006;
7) Member of the scientific committee of CISE (Centro Italiano Studi Egittologici) since 2008;

Excavation Campaigns
1) Excavation campaign run by C.N.R – Istituto per la Civiltà Fenicia e Punica and directed by Prof. Enrico Acquaro in the northern area of Tharros (Oristano) Italy, June 1989.

2) Cooperation and counselling at “La Fenice – Archeologia e Restauro – SRL” in occasion of the archaeological investigation conducted by the “Soprintendenza per i Beni Ambientali ed Architettonici della Provincia di Forlì” in the San Martino in Barisano Church (Forlì) and directed by M.G. Maioli. September – October 1993

3) Cooperation to the Archaeological Investigations run in Via D’Azeglio n. 47 in Ravenna by the Soprintendenza Archeologica di Ravenna and directed by M.G. Maioli. November – December 1993

University didactic activities
“La riscoperta ottocentesca dell’Egitto e la nascita del collezionismo Egittologico” concerning the teaching “Museografia e Museologia” of the Facoltà di Conservazione dei Beni Culturali of Ravenna, 24th April 1999.

“Come si progetta una sezione museale: la sezione egiziana del Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna” concerning the didactic activity of the Course of Study GIOCA, (Gestione e Innovazione delle Organizzazioni Culturali e Artistiche), Univertità degli studi di Bologna, 22nd January 2004.

Lessons about the Egyptian Collection of the Archaeological Museum of Bologna at the Università degli Adulti Primo Levi of Bologna. Academic year 1994/1995

Teacher of Egyptology at the Università degli Adulti Bosi Maramotti of Ravenna since 1998.

Teacher of Egyptology at the Università degli Adulti of Lugo since 1999 to 2005.

Teacher of Egyptology at the Università degli Adulti of Faenza in the academic years 1999/2000 – 2000/2001 – 2004/2005.

Teacher of Egyptology in cooperation with Prof. Sergio Pernigotti and Dr. Marco Zecchi at the Universtià Aperta of Imola since 2003.

Conventions and lessons about Egyptology in many Academies, Clubs and Cultural Associations since 1998.

Didactic Activities in Museums
Since 1990 I’m working on a wide and intensive didactic activities, for students and adults, based on a yearly scheduled programming, at the Archaeological Museum of Bologna, and in the most important Italian Museum having permanent Egyptian collections and temporary exhibitions about ancient Egypt.

Since 1994, conventions and lessons about Egyptology based on the yearly scheduled program “Museo Civico Archeologico. Domenica, appuntamenti al Museo” at the Archaeological Museum of Bologna

Didactic Activities for Children
Since 1999 I conceived and carried out many inter-discipline didactic projects mainly targeted to children at primary school from the third to the fifth class that in the anthropologic program are introduced to the study of the ancient civilizations.

Following here are the projects carried out until now: 

- “Viaggio alla scoperta dell’antico Egitto” IX didactic area of Ravenna, school-year 1999/2000
- “Giocando attraverso i secoli”, IX didactic area of Ravenna, school-year 2000/2001
- “La religione dell’antico Egitto” specific for the III class
- “Viaggio alla scoperta dell’antico Egitto” IX didactic area of Ravenna, school-year 2002/2003
- “L’antico Egitto nelle collezioni del Museo Nazionale di Ravenna… vivere all’ombra delle piramidi”,
Centro di sperimentazione didattica Tessellae di Ravenna, AA 2004/2005;
- “Ma quanto pesa l’anima? Drammatizzazione della Psicostasia antico-egiziana”, Soprintendenza per i beni architettonici e il paesaggio di Ravenna, AA 2004/2005;
- “Amuleti d’Egitto. Laboratorio creativo per bimbi e ragazzi”, Soprintendenza per i beni architettonici e il
paesaggio di Ravenna, AA 2004/2005;
- “L’antico Egitto nelle collezioni del Museo Nazionale di Ravenna… la vita oltre la morte”, Centro di
sperimentazione didattica Tessellae di Ravenna, AA 2005/2006;
- “Tutte le anime della mummia”, Museo Civico Archeologico of Bologna 2007

Temporary and Permanent Exhibitions
Cooperation with the Archaeological Museum of Bologna in the organization and running of the “Visitors Help/Reception Desk” at the Exhibition “Prima dell’America. 4000 anni di arte precolombiana”, Bologna, April/June 1992;

Cooperation with the Archaeological Museum of Bologna concerning the activities connected to the opening of the Egyptian section (conceiving of the didactic, cooperation in the set up and promoting);

Cooperation with the Archaeological Museum of Bologna in the organization at the Exhibition “Gli Ungari. Nascita di una nazione”, Bologna, February/May 1998;

Cooperation with the Archaeological Museum of Bologna at the set up and the scientific organization of the Exhibition “Vetri antichi. Arte e tecnica”, Bologna, October/June 1999;

Cooperation with the Archaeological Museum of Bologna in the preparation of a numismatic temporary exhibition, integrating part of the study meeting “Monete in rete. Banche dati, CD-Rom, e Internet nella numismatica italiana”, Bologna, 22nd May 2003;

Cooperation with the Archaeological Naturalistic Museum of Imola in the preparation of the temporary exhibition “Il Museo di San Domenico. Progetti e mostre. Restauri, scavi, studi, progetti”, Imola, April/June 2004;

“Ai piedi della Sfinge… quando l’acconciatura diventa arte”, Museo Civico Archeologico, Bologna 7 aprile-2 luglio 2006;

“Giovanni Battista Belzoni. Un Indiana Jones alla riscoperta dell’antico Egitto”, Museo Civico Archeologico, Bologna 30 maggio-31 dicembre 2007.

Museum and Information technology

Cooperation with the Archaeological Museum of Bologna in the project for the Automation of the Photographic Archives, concerning the creation of an electronic record archives for internal use and in the subsequent load of the data. Bologna 1994

Cooperation with the Archaeological Museum of Bologna in the project for the Automation and revising of the Egyptian Items inventory that point at the creation of a flexible database.

Cooperation with the Archaeological Museum of Bologna, taking part to the planning and creation of the virtual didactic itinerary titled: “Alla scoperta della moneta”. Available on CD-Rom only.

Since 1994 I have constantly cooperated with the Archaeological Museum of Bologna at the project for the creation of a computed record database and digitalized images data base of the circa 100.000 coins and medals stored in the coin cabinet of Bologna. 

Since 1999 I have been part of the team-work focused on the design, creation, restyling and widening of the Archaeological Museum of Bologna Web Site.

Principali Pubblicazioni

1) “Il conflitto tra Etiopi ed Assiri nell’Egitto della XXV dinastia”, La Mandragora (Imola) 1997. Published with the contribution of the University of Bologna. The monograph has been issued as text-book for the teaching of Egyptology in the years 1997/98, 2000/01 and 2001/02 by the University of Bologna;

2) Author of the scientific filing of the Egyptian items of the Archaeological Museum of Bologna for the catalogue of the exhibition “Dimensione SKIN. Un viaggio in miniatura”, Milan 1997;

3) L’ Egitto delle origini a Ravenna (The Egypt of the origins in Ravenna) Review of the exhibition “Kemet. Alle sorgenti del tempo” , Ravenna March 1st - June 28th 1998, published in Archeologia dell’Emilia-Romagna, II/2, 1998;

4) “La statuetta di Iside del Museo Mambrini di Galatea”, contribution to the convention “Galatea e l’Archeologia” Galeata, 11 October 1997, published in Archeologia dell’Emilia-Romagna, III, 1999;

5) Author of the scientific filing of the Egyptian material of the Archaeological Museum of Bologna for the catalogue of the exhibition: “Facies Deitatis. Los Rostros de Dios” , Santiago de Compostela 2000;

6) “Investigation of Small Egyptian Mummies by 3D Computed Tomography” by Daniela Picchi (Archaeological Museum of Bologna), M. Rossi, F.Casali, D. Romani (Physics Department of the University of Bologna) Rome 2000. Published in the official acts of the “15th World Conference NDT ROMA 2000”, Rome 15-21 October 2000. Available only on CD-Rom;

7) Author of the scientific filing of the Egyptian items of the Archaeological Museum of Bologna for the catalogue of the exhibition: “Deomene. L’immagine dell’orante tra Oriente ed Occidente” , Milano 2001;

8) “The Archaeological Museum of Bologna. The Egyptian Collection, Past and Future”, published in “Minerva. The international Review of Ancient Art & Archaeology” , London, September/October 2001;

9) Author of the scientific filing of the Egyptian items of the Archaeological Museum of Bologna for the catalogue of the exhibition: “L’antichità del mondo. Fossili, alfabeti, rovine”, Bologna 2002;

10) “Suggestioni culturali e sopravvivenze iconografiche dell’antico Egitto nella medaglistica italiana del XV e XVI secolo”, published in the official acts of the “Proceedings of the 3rd International Numismatic Congress in Croatia”. Hotel Histria-Pula-Croatia, October 11th - 14th 2001;

11) “Francesco V e la tradizione dei viaggi in Egitto”, published in Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Antiche Provincie Modenesi. Atti e Memorie, serie XI – Vol. XXIV, Modena – Aedes Muratoriana 2002.

12) “Les ushabtis et les musées de Itm-Htp fils del HT-HR-m-hb”, published in BMHBA7 Supplément – 2001 in honour of Edith Varga, Budapest 2001;

13) Author of the scientific filing of the Egyptian items of the Archaeological Museum of Bologna for the catalogue of the exhibition: “I Faraoni”, Milano 2002;

14) “Analysis of and Egyptian Corn-mummy by Means of Computed Tomography”, poster presented at the international congress “IRRMA-V, 5th International Topical Meeting of Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Applications”, Bologna , 9 –14 June 2002; 

15) “Ancient Egypt in Bologna: Past and Future” contribution to the convention “8th EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) annual meeting 24-29 September 2002, Thessaloniki – Hellas” published on “Europe, Hellas and Egypt Complementary Antipodes during the Late Antiquity”. Edited by Amanda-Alice Maravelia, BAR 2004;

16) Author of the scientific filing of the Egyptian items of the Archaeological Museum of Bologna for the catalogue of the exhibition: “Le donne dei Faraoni”, Milano 2003;

17) “La terra d’Egitto: confine ideale tra onirico e realtà” published on the catalogue of the International Ravenna Music Festival 2003;

18) “Le antichità Egiziane del museo Cospiano”, published in REAC 6, Imola 2004;

19) Review of the book “La magia nell’antico Egitto: quint’essenza metafisica del paese degli dei” (written by Amanda-Alice Maravilla) published by ΠΑΡΝΑΣΣΟΣ, ΦΙΛΟΛΟΓΙΚΟΣ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟ, ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 2003 ;Athens 2003;

20) “Suggestioni culturali e sopravvivenze iconografiche dell’antico Egitto nella medaglistica italiana del XVII secolo: gli obelischi”, published in the official acts of the “XII Congreso Internacional de Numismatica”, Madrid 2003; 

21) “Suggestioni culturali e sopravvivenze iconografiche dell’antico Egitto nella medaglistica italiana del XVIII secolo: le piramidi”, published in RIN 2005;

22) “The Corn-mummy KS 342 of Bologna”, BAR/Archeopress (Oxford), edited by Amanda-Alice Maravilia e dedicato a Ashraf Sadek, ready to press;

23) “La dea Mr.s-gr sul cofanetto porta-ushabti KS 1969 del Museo Archeologico di Bologna”, contribution to the convention “Il coccodrillo e il cobra. Aspetti dell’universo religioso egiziano nel Fayyum e altrove, Atti del primo colloquio Bologna, 20-21 aprile 2005”, Imola 2006;

24) “Un inarrestabile fiume in piena”, contribution to the convention “12° Corso di Aggiornamento. Muse e Psiche. La psicologia al servizio della fruizione museale, Ravenna, 29 novembre 2005”, Ravenna 2006;

25) “Ai piedi della Sfinge… quando l’acconciatura diventa arte” and scientific filing of the Egyptian items of the Archaeological Museum of Bologna for the catalogue of the exhibition “Un diavolo per capello dalla Sfinge a Warhol. Arte Acconciature Società”, Milano 2006;

26) “Terra, cereali e acqua: la corn-mummy KS 342 del Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna” contribution to the convention “La terra, gli uomini e gli dèi: il paesaggio agricolo nell’Antico Egitto. Atti del secondo colloquio Bologna, 22-23 maggio 2006, Imola 2007;

27) Author of the scientific filing of the Egyptian items of the Archaeological Museum of Bologna for the catalogue of the exhibition: “Nefer. La donna nell’antico Egitto”, Milano 2007 / Torino 6 aprile – 1 luglio 2007

28) D. Picchi – M. Tinti, “Presentazione alla mostra: Giovanni Battista Belzoni. Un Indiana Jones alla riscoperta dell’antico Egitto”, contribution to the convention “La terra, gli uomini e gli dèi: il paesaggio agricolo nell’Antico Egitto. Atti del terzo colloquio Bologna, 30-31 maggio 2007”, Imola 2008

29) D. Picchi, “La collezione egizia di Pelagio Palagi e il mercato antiquario veneziano” contribution to the international congress “Egyptian archives / Egyptological archives”, Università degli Studi di Milano September 9-12, 2008 (ready on press) 

30) D. Picchi, “Alle origini dell’Egittologia: le antichità egiziane in Italia da un inedito di Jörgen Zoega” contribution to the convention “Il tempio e il suo personale nell’Egitto antico. Atti del quarto colloquio di Egittologia e Antichità Copte Bologna 24-25 settembre 2008 (ready on press)

31) Author of the scientific filing of the Egyptian items of the Archaeological Museum of Bologna for the catalogue of the exhibition: “UR SUNU. Grandi dottori dell’antico Egitto”, Casale Monferrato 27 settembre 2008 – 10 gennaio 2009

Congresses and Conventions
1) "I Musei nell'epoca multimediale", Verona 23/24 June 1995;
2) International Congress organized by “Politecnico di Milano” and University of Lecce "Le nuove tecnologie: Musei e beni culturali", Milano, July 9th 1997;
3) "Galeata e l'Archeologia", Galeata, October 11th 1997;
4) "Congreso Internacional de Museologìa del Dinero", Museo Casa de La Moneda, Madrid - Spain, 18-22 October 1999;
5) Fifth convention of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna e dall’Associazione Culturale Progetto Emilia Romagna, “Informatica e Arte Produzione e Archiviazione. Archiviazione digitale e telecomunicazioni per gallerie, collezioni e musei”, Bologna, October 5th 2000;
6) "15th World Conference NDT ROMA 2000", Roma (Italy), 15-21 October 2000;
7) Numismatics International Congress “Proceedings of the 3RD International Numismatic Congress in Croatia”, Hotel Histria-Pula-Croatia, October 11-14 2001;
8) Sixth convention of the Accademia di Belle Arti of Bologna and Associazione Culturale Progetto Emilia Romagna “Internet, il museo planetario”, Bologna, December 4th 2001;
9) 5th International Topical Meeting on Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Applications “IRRMA-V, Bologna (Italy), 9-14 June 2002”;
10) "8th EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) ANNUAL MEETING, 24-29 September 2002, Thessaloniki (Hellas)”;
11) International Convention “La moneta fusa nel mondo antico. Quale alternativa alla coniazione?”, Arezzo,, 19-20 September 2002;
12) “Monete in rete. Banche dati, CD-ROM e Internet nella numismatica italiana, Bologna, May 22nd 2003;
13) “XII Congreso Internacional de Numismática”, Madrid 15-19 septiembre 2003;
14) “La mummia”, conference connected to the Movie Review “Nightmare Film Festival, Ravenna, 25th September 2004, where my contribution titled “Ma che mummie d’Egitto!” has been presented;
15) Primo colloquio di Egittologia e di Antichità Copte (Università di Bologna – Dipartimento di Archeologia, Cattedra di Egittologia) “Il coccodrillo e il cobra. Aspetti dell’universo religioso egiziano nel Fayyum e altrove”, Bologna 20-21 april 2005;
16) “12° Corso di Aggiornamento. Muse e Psiche. La psicologia al servizio della fruizione museale”, Ravenna, 29 november 2005;
17) Secondo colloquio di Egittologia e di Antichità Copte (Università di Bologna – Dipartimento di Archeologia, Cattedra di Egittologia) “La terra, gli uomini e gli dèi: il paesaggio agricolo nell’Antico Egitto”, Bologna 22-23 may 2006;
18) First International Colloquium of Egyptology in Montepulciano “Collezioni egizie a confronto”, Montepulciano, 2-3 september 2006;
19) Terzo colloquio di Egittologia e di Antichità Copte (Università di Bologna – Dipartimento di Archeologia, Cattedra di Egittologia) “Sacerdozio e società civile”, 30-31 may 2007;
20) Second International Colloquium of Egyptology in Montepulciano “Il mito dell’Antico Egitto”, Montepulciano 25 august 2007
21) Third International Colloquium of Egyptology in Montepulciano “Artists and Painting in Ancient Egypt”, Montepulciano, 23-24 august 2008
22) International Congress (Università degli Studi di Milano – Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità, Cattedra di Egittologia) “Egyptian archives / Egyptological archives”, Milano, 9-12 september 2008
23) Quarto colloquio di Egittologia e di Antichità Copte (Università di Bologna – Dipartimento di Archeologia, Cattedra di Egittologia), “ “, Bologna, 24-25 september 2008.
Seminaries and Courses
1) VII Ciclo di Lezioni sulla Ricerca Applicata in Campo Archeologico – Pontignano (Siena), 11-17 December 1995 titled: “Informative Systems and Geographical Networks in Archaeology: GIS – INTERNET” at which I took part as listener with a scholarship

2) IX Ciclo di Lezioni sulla Ricerca Applicata in Campo Archeologico – Pontignano (Siena), 14 – 21 December 1997 titled: “Musei e parchi archeologici” at which I took part as listener with a scholarship.

3) Refresher Course about Museum Didactics titled: “Simbolica-mente”, organized by Provincia di Ravenna, 20 – 27 November 2003

4) Seminary titled “Il regolamento del museo come strumento di gestione: dimensione giuridica e strategica”, organized by “Istituto per i beni artistici, culturale e naturali” of Regione Emilia-Romagna, 20th September 2004

5) Meeting titled “I musei faranno ancora storia? Musei e scuola a confronto sui nuovi programmi di storia”, Bologna, 15th October 2004, organized by the Archaeological Museum of Bologna concerning the “Festa della Storia” promoted and edited by the Dipartimento di Discipline Storiche of Bologna and Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione of the University of Bologna.


Museo Civico Archeologico,
Via dei Musei 8
40124 Bologna ()

Tel. 0512757206
